Many people don’t know what to do if they are having difficulty making their mortgage payments. In what can be a difficult and overwhelming situation, Wyoming Housing Network can help. Foreclosure counseling can help you understand and navigate the process, at absolutely no cost.
Wyoming Housing Network collaborates with the State of Wyoming Attorney General’s Office to provide homeowners facing foreclosure with a HUD-certified resource. With counselors who have over 15 years of combined experience, Wyoming Housing Network can offer support whether you’re concerned about falling behind on your mortgage, or have already missed payments.
Foreclosure counseling can help at any stage
- Homeowner counseling – If you haven’t missed a payment, but you are concerned about your ability to budget and continue making your mortgage payment, our foreclosure counselor can help you figure out a short term and long term budget, communicate with your lender, and make a plan.
- Foreclosure prevention and mitigation – If you are facing foreclosure because of an inability to make your payments, our foreclosure counselor can help you assess your options, communicate with your lender, explore the best solution available, and create a budget to help you reach your goals.
- Post-foreclosure counseling – If you have faced a situation that has not allowed you to stay in your home, our foreclosure counselor can help you create an action plan for rebuilding credit, debt repayment strategies and budgeting that are critical for rebuilding your financial health.
If you think you’ve been scammed, file a complaint today.
The Office of the Attorney General is the sponsoring agency for our Foreclosure Prevention Services.
If you require help due to a disability or language barrier, please contact Wyoming Housing Network for assistance.