Hawk’s Point Residences a 56-unit Income Restricted Senior Housing Development

Hawk’s Point Residences a 56-unit Income Restricted Senior Housing Development
Powell Court Apartments are a 12-unit income restricted property.
Juniper Ridge Apartments are a 54-unit income restricted property.
Spring Hill Apartments are a 127-unit income based property.
Capital Court Apartments are a 60-unit income restricted property.
Cedar Mountain Apartments are a 12-unit income restricted property.
Oregon Trail Apartments are a 12-unit income restricted property.
Ironwood Apartments are a 12-unit income restricted property.
Copper Mountain Apartments are a 12-unit income restricted property.
Esterbrook Apartments are an 18-unit property serving households earning up to 50% of Area Median Income.
Wolf Creek Apartments are a senior housing property made up of 12-units for seniors 55 and older. Income restrictions apply.
High Plains Apartments are a 32-unit income restricted property.
Rock Creek Apartments are a 12-unit income restricted property.